Meditation in Play
Now Mindful specializes in building mindfulness practice into gameplay. Our aim is to promote peace, presence, and insight for players in an easy-to-understand, enjoyable way. By blending the art of meditation with the joy of play, we offer a unique path to mindfulness that feels less like work and more like discovery.
Dive into our blog to explore articles that blend mindfulness with the art of play. From meditation tips to insights on how gaming can be a tool for inner peace, our blog offers fresh perspectives and practical advice. Join us on this journey to cultivate mindfulness in a playful and accessible way.
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Stay up to date with our latest developments on the projects page. Here, you can track our progress, explore what we're working on, and be the first to know about exciting new releases. Discover how we're bringing mindfulness into play, one step at a time.
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About Us
Discover the story behind Now Mindful and our mission to bring mindfulness into play. Learn how our journey began, what drives us, and how we're working to create experiences that foster peace, presence, and joy through gaming. Join us as we reshape the way people experience mindfulness—making it fun, engaging, and accessible to all.
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